The infrastructure in the world is constantly expanding. Everyone is looking for possibilities to transport themselves to other locations more rapid. With increased urbanisation follows higher pressure on the infrastructure in cities, where dwellings are placed closer to highways, railways and airports. In order to create a satisfying sound environment, the noise in cities has to be controlled. As a consequence, high demands on building acoustics follows (see building acoustics section).
Examples of possible tasks in this category are mappings, investigations, calculations and measurements of traffic noise. Possible clients can e.g. be municipalities that produce local plans for dwellings, where the prerequisites when it comes to noise in addition to possible measures has to be known. Noise mapping of whole cities and districts are also common missions. Personal capacities that aim to extend their own property might also be obliged to present a traffic noise calculation.
As the Swedish transport administration decides about changing or adding roads or railroads, a proper traffic noise investigation is needed in order to determine the affection on surroundings. Not only sound but vibrations are also important to consider, since road and railroad traffic causes propagating oscillations in the ground. A common measure while having too high traffic noise levels is to construct some kind of noise screen, such as a sound berm or a bank. Different kinds of investigations regarding aircraft noise are also included in the infrastructure section.
If you need help with traffic noise in any way, don't hesitate to contact us! We have great experience in issues related to traffic noise and we will gladly share it with you!
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Akustikverkstan Konsult AB
Kinnegatan 23
531 33 Lidköping
Phone: 0510-911 44
GEM 7365592297003
Box 171
831 22 Östersund
Akustikverkstan Montage AB
Kinnegatan 23
531 33 Lidköping
Phone: 0510-911 44
GEM 7365590499669
Box 171
831 22 Östersund
Akustikverkstan Lab AB
Kinnegatan 23
531 33 Lidköping
Phone: 0510-911 44
GEM 7365592296983
Box 171
831 22 Östersund