Digital Signature


As of 08/24/2015, reports in digital format from Akustikverkstan are signed with a digital signature. This is so that you who read a report from the Acoustics Workshop can verify that the document has not been changed and the identity of the person who signed.


Each person at Akustikverkstan who can sign documents has their own certificate issued to them, which is used for signing, with their own private key that only the individual certificate user can use.


To verify that the document from Akustikverkstan has not been changed after signing, you can open the document in Adobe Reader, right-click on the signature field and select "Validate signature". You will then find the text "Documents have not changed since this signature was applied".


To verify that the document is signed with a certificate issued by Akustikverkstan, you need to set Adobe Reader to trust Akustikverkstan's root certificate. To do this, follow these steps:



Download the file "Akustikverkstan.cer" by clicking here [Link to the file].



Open Adobe Reader, go to settings, select Signatures - Identities & Trusted Certificates - "More…"



Highlight "Trusted Certificates", select Import, then "Browse"



Locate the file "Akustikverkstan.cer" on your computer and select "Open".



Select "Acoustic workshop" under contacts and then "Acoustic workshop" under certificate and click on "trust…"



Select "Use this certificate as a trusted root certificate", then click "OK". After that, click on "Import".



Close Adobe Reader and restart it.



Now you can verify the identity of digitally signed documents from Akustikverkstan


If you need help or have questions about this, just contact us at Akustikverkstan.

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